Paid Search Advertising

Paid Search Advertising

Paid Search Ads are arguably the most profitable and popular form of online advertising . It is also complex, ever-changing and time consuming. Experience in Paid Search Ads is developed over years of experience developing Google Ads and AdWords management skills and expertise to manage complex PPC campaigns. Paid Search Ads also include Bing Ads. Though Google Search Ads remain the dominant search engine and Search Ad format today.

Paid Search Advertising is a very important part of digital marketing. It is very crucial to building a relevant and contextual connect with prospective customers for all brands. Both in building awareness at various stages of the buying cycle as well as to influence intent of consumers in the final stages of purchase. Overall, a very powerful tool for every brand.

Search Engine Advertising which includes Google Ads, Bing Ads, Amazon Sponsored Ads (if you sell on Amazon) & few others has grown rapidly and is still continuing to grow. It has become very competitive too. Keyword is the king here. Google & Bing Ads provide two types of ads for search advertising: Text ads and Shopping ads. Though both use keyword as Customer intent, the campaign management bot both is leagues apart. Amazon Sponsored Ads uses the same intent in the form of keywords to advertise the products being sold on Amazon.

These Search Advertising providers strive to update and improve their product by offering new features more often. Which is why you need to continuously unlearn, relearn and explore new ways of leveraging consumer insights, analyzing data, technology and creativity to gain competitive advantage. Hence a well thought out paid search ad strategy is very important for an effective digital marketing campaign. Our expertise and experience in search advertising helps in developing and executing the right paid search strategy for Google Ads, Bing Ads and other relevant Search Advertising platforms and ad formats.

We follow a structured analytical approach in developing a search advertising campaign. We diligently customize and refine various aspects, based on category or business of the brand, like Keyword Research, Ad Copy, Landing Pages, Bid Optimization and conduct ongoing A/B testing of various Ad Formats. Our key differentiation is: Our domain expertise and experience, Quality of optimization & analysis, detailed reporting on ongoing performance, and actionable recommendations. And we make this possible by working closely at every step in a transparent manner with the brands we work for.